Prom Peru - Ignacio

Explore the vibrant heart of Peruvian cuisine with Ignacio, a Michelin-starred chef renowned for his innovative culinary creations. This film for Prom Peru takes you on a journey into the chili fields of Peru, a source of inspiration and a cornerstone of Peruvian cooking.

Discover the diversity of over a hundred types of chilies, each bringing its unique flavor and character to the nation’s dishes. Ignacio eloquently describes chilies as 'blood to humans,' essential and life-giving. He shares his philosophy of respecting each ingredient, understanding that a simple change in chili can transform a dish entirely.

Join us as Ignacio delves into centuries of culinary tradition, revealing why Peruvian cuisine, with its rich variety of chilies, stands out in the global gastronomic scene. This film is more than a culinary exploration; it's a tribute to the ingredients that define and enrich Peru's gastronomy.

Produced by Spindle

Directed by Greg Hackett

Director of Photography Chris Turner